The Client may hire, prior to signing an Agreement, the following insurance:
a) Collision Damage Waiver (CDW):In case of accident, crash orrollover, Client’sresponsibility for damagescaused to thevehiclemaybereduced to thepaymentof a mandatoryliability, as long as hasbeenClient´sresponsibility, excludingdamagesunderthevehicle, damages in thewindscreen, rim and tires destroyed, clutchandgearbox;
b) TheftProtectionInsurance (TP): In case oftheftofallorpartofthevehicle, theClient'sresponsibilitymaybewaived to paymentofliability, providedthatthetermsandconditionsoftherentalagreementhaven’tbeenbreached. The Clientisobliged to report to thecompetentauthorities, as well to returnthevehiclekeys, otherwisetheinsurancecoveragemaybecanceled. Thisinsurance does notincludetheprotectionofpersonalbelongingsorgoods;
c) PersonalAccidentInsurance (PAI): In case ofaccident driver andremainingpassengerswillbecovered for medical expensesuntil €250 per passenger, in case ofdeathorpermanentdisability a coverageof €5.000 per passenger;
d) SUPER CDW: Ifhired, with CDW and TP theClientisreducingmandatoryliability for damages, to a minimumvalue. Excludesdamagesunderthevehicle, damages in thewindscreen, rim and tires destroyed, clutchandgearbox;
e) WindscreenDamageWaiver (WDW): Ifhired, with CDW, TP and SUPER CDW, theClientisreducing to thevalueofmandatoryliability, to a minimumvalue;
f) Tire and Rim Waiver (TRW): Ifhired, with CDW, TP and SUPER CDW, theClientisreducingthevalueofmandatoryliability, to a minimumvalue.
Liabilities: In case of damageoraccident, theClientisresponsible for paying a liability per occurrence, up to a maximumamountspecified in eachgroup, valuesofwhich are in thecurrent Insurance and Liabilities/Excess Table